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Learn The Fastest Way To Disabled Personals Success
There are always stories about the problems faced by people with disabilities. These include physical obstacles, emotional trauma, social rejection, academic failure, in addition to medical crises. But there are many who have overcome these significant challenges and are able to lead successful lives.
This is not a single trait. It combines skills and beliefs. This comes after a person is able to understand his own strengths and limitations. Then he needs to have belief in oneself to be capable and effective. All this leads to self-determination. This allows individuals with disability to have greater control on their lives.
Gaining control leads to learning and then applying these skills to oneself. These skills would include setting of goals, understanding your abilities as well as limitations better. This will lead to better problem solving for disabled persons. This is a personal journey that includes learning, applying as well as self-evaluating these skills. All this forms the basis of self-determination.
Defining Success
People tend to define success in various ways. It can mean money, family, job, education, appreciation or anything else. Success means reaching your own personal dreams. This happens when you work towards your goals regardless of your disability.
Being successful means being able to do things independently and not having others do it for you. It means achieving your goals on your own terms and at your own pace.
Setting Goals
These can be your personal, academic, or even career goals. You need to maintain high standards. This happens when you learn to stretch. You need to identify what you can do comfortably. Now you need to do more.
You need to write down your goals and then make efforts in order to stretch yourself. You need to set your goals by knowing your limits are and then working around them. In case someone is trying to dissuade you, then you just need to prove that someone wrong. Even if you fail, at least you had tried. This is what counts.
People tend to set low expectations as they are afraid of failure. You need to have achievable goals. Now build on each small success as you make your next goal a little higher. Do not set your bar too high in the beginning itself or else you are just setting yourself up for failure.
Understanding And recognizing Your Abilities And Disabilities
People with disabilities need to accept their disabilities but not define themselves by this disability. They have to recognize that they are responsible for their own happiness and success. They need to find their own ways to achieve it. Never let other people pity you. Others should view you as an able person who is only looking for opportunities and is capable of achieving anything.
It is true that disability is an obstacle. But the focus must shift from the obstacle to problem solving. You need to know your limits and develop strategies in order to meet your goals.